Monday, November 10, 2008

Since the elections are over, I am encouraged by all the people who I have heard or read about who are praying for our newly elected leaders. I was also encouraged by the long lines and good turnout. We should always be praying for our nation, our leaders on every level of government, and of course our troops who are serving here or overseas. Especailly those who are in dangerous places. I am deeply thankful that we Americans can stand in long lines to vote rather than in bread lines. We are in a financial crises, and a moral and spiritual crises. If there were ever a time to pray it's now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I wonder about all the hurricanes and tropical storms that have hit the US mainland recently. As I write, Hurricane Ike is headed toward Texas. Is God directing these storms, or has He set the world on a course and let it go it's own way? Is our weather the result of so-called global warming caused by mankind? I believe it is the height of arrogance to believe that we can have much to do with the climate of this vast planet. Are the storms the result of man's having poluted the planet, or even the result of our fallen nature and sin? I don't have all the answers, but I still believe God is in control, even if He let's nature take it's course. What do you think? Shan

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I hope your summer is going well, and you and your family are having a meaninful time before school starts and the fall activities pick up. This fall I am doing a sermon series on "Busyness." We all need a dose of slowing down, smelling the roses, and saying "no" once or twice a year. I hope the rest of your summer goes well. Shan

Monday, July 7, 2008

This past week, Karen and I attended the North American Christian Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. We always enjoy seeing old friends, and trust me, like us, they are getting old. We enjoyed being with Jim and Beth Anderson, former members who now live there. They took us out for lunch to a very nice place, and it just happened to be our 46th wedding anniversary. They are wonderful people. Jim suffered a stroke, which has left him in a wheel chair, but he continues to make progress and is determined to walk again. I believe he will, based on his attitude and faith. Beth is a great lady who has been right with Jim through some very difficult times and continues to support him through out each day. Isn't it great when we see love in action. Shan

Thursday, June 26, 2008


As America prepares for elections this fall, it's time for Christians to pray that God's will might be done for this nation and more importantly for His work and kingdom here on earth. The 4th of July celebration makes us proud to be Americans, but when we stop and think about it, we are no more love or cared for, than Christians in any other part of the world. We American Christians have a great responsibility to those far less fortunate around the world. We are still the most powerful, the most talked about, and the most influential nation on earth. We need to keep that in mind. Pray for our leaders, pray for God's blessing, and pray that America repents of her immorality, materialism and Godlessness. Shan